
Light Wood Framing

Dulles International Airport

First attempt at modeling Eero Saaranin's roof to Dulles International Airport at 1:92 scale. The wires on which the roof "hangs" can be seen above embedded in the plaster. Below is an image of all the formwork needed to pour a curved plaster slab only 3/16" thick. Our main problems are getting all the air bubbles out of the formwork before the plaster sets and resisting the pressure of the heavy wet plaster on our formwork (hence all the bracing)


Plaster Modeling

Thin shell plaster. Top of the shell is less than an eighth inch thick, reinforced with wire screen. It is surprisingly strong, so long as the outward thrusts of the foundation are resisted. Inspired by the American Air Museum in Duxford, England



Presentation Layout 2

I was pretty happy with my previous layout, the main issues involved readability and making it clear what order the reader should view the information. Now, all the text boxes are the same size and aligned in the center of the page, with the relevant images on either side of the text. I also did away with the image captions which were deemed "extraneous" in the previous critique.


Material Detail

Section of poured concrete wall with necessary form work